Stories of Influence- Restaurant Owner Loses it All for Christ

August 20, 2013

Todd’s father was a fighter pilot in the Vietnam War who was shot down and became a P.O.W. when Todd was 3 years old.  Interestingly, he was cellmates with John McCain during his imprisonment.  The family thought his Dad was dead, and his Mom eventually married another man.  When his father finally returned home after 6-1/2 years as a POW, he moved away.  Todd’s Stepfather was a powerful businessman who focused all his attention on making money and became wealthy.   Todd never really had a relationship with either father. After college, Todd became a restaurateur.  He had success in several ventures and was opening his own restaurant with his Stepfather.  The business was doing well, and Todd was enjoying the fruits of his success.  The leader of a ministry to business executives approached Todd, one day, about using his restaurant to host their weekly meeting.  He was all about promoting his restaurant so he thought this might be a good business move.  So, the group met weekly in his restaurant. They kept inviting Todd to join them, and he graciously declined. Week after week, these business men would meet in Todd’s restaurant, and one day, he finally decided to attend.  He found that he knew two of the men who were friends of his family.  He listed to these men talk about Jesus, and he wanted to know more.  He grew up as a child in the church and regularly attended church with His wife and kids, but all these years, he never knew Jesus.  He listened to these men talk about God and read a book, "More than a Carpenter" to learn more about who this Jesus was.  He began reading the Bible and heard these men share the Gospel, which brought Todd to a decision point. One night, at about 2:00 A.M., in the quietness of his house, Todd asked Christ into his life. Suddenly, Todd was like the Apostle Paul.  He hungered to learn more and more and he wanted to share Jesus with everyone.  At first, he assumed his family already knew Jesus, and perhaps, he was just the last to find out about Him.  He soon realized that no one in his family seemed to know Jesus.  He unashamedly proclaimed Jesus, the Savior, to his whole family.  Todd’s newfound faith became a source of division in his family.  He became ostracized, but he did not care, for he loved Christ more than he loved his position in the family. His wife was walking with a woman in her neighborhood whose husband led a men’s ministry.  Todd’s wife did not really know what to do with her husband’s radical faith, but she thought he needed to get with this other husband.  This man was about to start a Journey Group, and Todd immediately wanted in.  He joined this group of men who were tired of all the usual men’s Bible studies and events and who wanted to go deeper with Jesus.  Todd was soaking up all things of faith like a sponge, and this group was another step in helping him grow. Little did he know, he was about to go through a series of storms that would challenge him to the core.  First, his wife left him.  She decided she did not want to go where Todd was heading.  This broke his heart, but he was determined not to leave his two kids fatherless.  Then, he felt like he had to leave the family restaurant and strike out on his own.  He had grown weary of the persecution, and he felt like he could be more effective out of his stepfather’s shadow.  Unfortunately, Todd’s first restaurant venture failed.  Then, a second venture failed.  He began to doubt his abilities, though he never questioned his faith. At one point, his rent was way past due, his electricity was shut off and he was as low as he could get.  His pride would not let him go to his family for help.  He cried out to his Heavenly Father.  Surprisingly, his real father heard about Todd’s misfortune and showed up at Todd’s doorstep to help.  Todd loved his Dad and God sent him some much-needed affirmation and help from his childhood hero. Through all Todd’s challenges and struggles, he always had Journey brothers there to encourage him and pray for him.  They cheered Todd on and believed in him, when it seemed no one else did.  In the midst of his turmoil, God used Todd to spread the gospel, to be used in miraculous healings and to be a beacon of light for those in dark places.  He finally reconciled with his family, as he just loved them and showed them respect, without any strings attached.  He worked various restaurant jobs, humbly accepting the next step God would put in front of him. Today, Todd is teaching high school in one of the roughest schools in his city.  He still barely makes it financially, and he is praying for God’s direction.  He realizes that he is a missionary.  He is a missionary to the wealthy upper echelon of society and a missionary to the poorest, disadvantaged.  He has lived both ends of the spectrum, so God has uniquely equipped him to reach more people than the average person.  His identity is no longer in wealth, position, or family but with his Lord Jesus Christ.  He has delivered Todd through many perils and will continue to deliver him.  He understands personal abandonment and absolute trust in God more than most Journey guys. God only knows what He is preparing for Todd, but one thing is for sure.  God knows, in Todd, He has a faithful servant who will forsake all to follow Him.