
Support Journey Expansion in Costa Rica

June 18, 2020

The Journey is expanding rapidly in Costa Rica since starting the first groups last Fall in Co Co Beach with Pastor Henry Guiterres.  Multiple groups have formed at his church and now new groups are beginning in the capitol of San Jose.  There are a few difficulties in supporting the effort in Costa Rica. It is cost-prohibitive to ship books to Costa Rica. Many of the participants do not have adequate resources for the materials. Influencers has been donating the materials in digital format and hardcopy to help plant Journey groups ($8000 in value), and long-term, we are looking at options of printing the materials in-country, with Co Co Beach being our curriculum hub.  Also, it should be noted that all of the Spanish translation efforts to bring the curriculum up to date have been graciously done at no charge by Influencers in Sacramento, Costa Rica and Colombia, South America. Would you pray about making a donation to help Influencers continue to support this amazing opportunity for transformed lives in Costa Rica, and into Latin America and South America?