
Saturation Prayer by Rocky Fleming

August 3, 2021

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.”  (Ephesians 6:18 NLT)

I have a Journey Group that completed last year.  Before this group goes forward to guide their own Journey Groups in the fall, I invited them to join me with our Compelled by Grace study.  The book introduces thirteen Kingdom Secrets that we discuss.  The men found the Secret of Saturation Prayer to not only be informative, but as well, important to them with some current difficulties in their lives.  We saw good results.  I’ve also found it important with a recent crisis that I’ve had in my life.  Therefore, it is fresh and important to me, and for that reason I share my request with you.  Here’s the definition of Saturation Prayer:

“The awesome power of prayer. In all spiritual confrontations with the world, the flesh or the devil, one of the greatest spiritual weapons for facing this great conflict is prayer. At the top of our prayer arsenal is Saturation Prayer, whereby consistent, ongoing, expectant prayer is given for the purpose of preparing for God’s great work to be welcomed by the people. Never neglect this strategic use of prayer before launching into a great, spiritual battle.”

I like how Merriam-Webster defines the word "saturation" from a military point of view: 

“an overwhelming concentration of military forces or firepower”

If you’ve ever read history or may have been part of saturation bombing or another form of overwhelming military force upon an area before an invasion, then you would understand the concept of Saturation Prayer.  From the Blitzkrieg of WW-II to Desert Storm in Kuwait, we have read about or seen firsthand how a concentrated effort on targeted areas prepares the way for either a take-over or a liberation.  Saturation Prayer is such.  It is an overwhelming, collective, concentrated bombardment of prayers from concerned people for a specific need toward a specific stronghold.  Foremost it is about liberation, a liberation of people from the evil that drives them.  It is to liberate a city, a school system, a government and people from the evil that drives them, by using Saturation Prayer.  Whether it is a loved one who desperately needs Christ, or a nation that has not only forgotten Him, but are being led by people who are under the influence of the evil man.  These people are driven by evil with an evil agenda.  Evil cannot be fought using only our votes or our will power.  It must be defeated with Divinely Powered weapons, and prayer is the way we access them.

“For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.”  2 Corinthians 10:3-4 ESV)

We have many concerns as Christians about the way our nation is being led by angry political leaders with an anti-Christian, and anti-American agendas.  From top government leaders nationally, state and local, we have seen this going on.  We have seen them try and take away our freedoms, while awarding criminals for bad behavior.  We are seeing racism and separation more than ever before in this country, for it is popular to convict and sentence someone simply because they are a different race from you.  As Christians we preach and try to live in peace with people.  The love of Christ for us and through us defines our perspective toward other people, no matter their race or political position or poor moral choices that they make. 

There is no reason that Christians in this country should be a threat to unity and harmony, for that is how we are led by Christ.  We are led to be peacemakers.  But that’s the problem with the evil man’s agenda.  He doesn’t want peace.  He wants to stir anger up.  He wants to sow disharmony, rage, separation and violence.  He wants to empower people who will listen to him and follow him, and Christians and our peacemaking agenda can get in the way of it.  This is why Christianity and Christians are a target, for he knows that if we come together in mass and pray against the evil influence he is bringing to our nation, then he will not be able to stand against God’s power.

Today is the day we must agree to turn this around.  I’m asking all of our Influencers wherever you live to influence your church, your friends and all Christians you know to pray against the evil in your cities, your school boards, your city councils and any other strongholds of the enemy.   Ask other churches and parachurch ministries to join this effort.  Let it begin in your city but do not let it end there.  Pray for your neighboring cities and churches.  Get them to join the Saturation Prayer movement that has begun with you.  Let this Saturation Prayer movement begin as a grassroots movement that will become a wildfire as it spreads out.  Perhaps the Lord will take this beyond your city or church or home.  But you can rest assured that God hears our prayers, and He is able to turn the tide on the evil that is gripping this country.  Let’s do something about this now and ask Him to do what only He can do.

If you will join me and others who have begun this effort, will you tell me that you have joined it?  Would you tell us when your church or churches have joined the Saturation Prayer movement that we are asking for?  This is something that requires all hands-on-deck and being one in heart and the Spirit to wage this battle is essential.  As followers of Christ, we must rise up, unite, and saturate our nation with our prayers.  Time is running out.