Bryan Craig
“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” Isaiah 61:1

Brothers, Independence Day is approaching. It is always a special time of gathering with family, cooking out, taking vacation, watching fireworks, eating watermelon (though I must admit I’m probably the only American who does not like watermelon.) However, in the midst of this great American holiday, a deeper sentiment cries for our attention. As we look at the sea of red, white and blue all around us and see those beautiful flags waving in the summer breeze, patriotism should well up within us like a rousing rendition of “Stars and Stripes Forever” played by a brass band.
Over 200 years ago, valiant men just like us were following a pursuit of God and a quest for freedom as they fought to establish this great land we call home. They would no longer live under tyranny and religious oppression of their home country, and they sought to establish a new home, blessed by God, where they could raise their families and build a legacy. They had no idea what this new land would look like, but they were impassioned by an ideal, and it seemed worthy of their very lives.
I’ve been praying a lot lately about our country and our Influencers ministry. Many times, I’ve said that I believe God is raising up an army of men for a great battle. This is not just some manly anecdote. I believe it’s true. If our forefathers could see our country today, the one they hoped for and died for, I believe they would be heartbroken. They would see so many examples of immorality infiltrating the lives of Americans. They would see Americans using the freedom they died for as a license to propagate all sorts of sinful messages and images across media and entertainment. They would see marriages faltering right and left and children suffering from a lack of guidance. They would see the separation of Church and State used as a battle cry to remove God from all public arenas.
God is still on the Throne. He created this world, and he guided our forefathers to start this country, this Nation Under God. He is not unaware of the battle raging to destroy America and its citizens. He is calling out to you and me to be modern-day Patriots. I believe Isaiah 61 is our guide. When Jesus came on the scene, he went to His hometown of Nazareth, into the synagogue, and he quoted Isaiah 61:1-2. Then He went on to say, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing. Luke 4:21”
I believe Jesus is raising up men today to join Him in fulfilling this scripture….
He has anointed us to preach good news to the poor…
He is sending us to bind up the brokenhearted…
He is sending us to proclaim freedom for the captives…
He is sending us to release those who are held prisoner by the darkness…
He is sending us to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor…
He is sending us to declare a day of vengeance for our God…
He is sending us to comfort those who are mourning…
He is sending us to provide for those who are grieving…
He is sending us to bestow crowns of beauty…
He is sending us to pour out oil of gladness….
He is sending us to give garments of praise….
We will be called “Oaks of Righteousness”, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor…
We will rebuild this country and restore places long devasted…
We will be called priests of the Lord, and named ministers of our God…
We will feed on the wealth of nations, and boast in their riches…
We will receive a double portion and rejoice in our inheritance…
Yes, I believe this is our mandate. I believe this is what we do as we lead men into freedom through Journey Groups. This is what we do as these Journey Groups multiply and become communities of Faith, where men are mobilizing to help cities and to stand up for God. This is how we will rebuild this country and reclaim it for our Lord. It starts with the men and it spreads to families and then to churches, communities and cities. This is not a political battle. This is a spiritual battle, waged with the spiritual weapons and with the armor of God.
It starts right where you are. Look around you. If you are married, look at your wife. If you have children, look to them. Look around your church. Look at your neighbors. Look at your place of business. Open your eyes and you will see your battle ground. All around you, people are being held captive by the darkness. You have been anointed and equipped to set them free. It is time to declare Independence from this world and this worldly system. It is time to start living lives that honor God and help others find this freedom. This is the place of peace; this is the abundant life that Jesus died to give us.
Brothers, will you join us? Will you fight? Our King has dispatched us, and He has promised to be with us until the battle is finished. As the great worship song, “We Will Ride” says, “He’s calling out to you and me, saying, ‘Will You Ride With Me?’”