Prayer Wall

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Mark Meador- Tulsa

From an Influencer in Tulsa:

I got a call from a mutual friend of Mark Meador asking for prayer. Mark is compromised due to chemo and is now battling Covid affecting his lungs. He his not on a vent. And his wife is trying to have him moved to MD Anderson.

February 3, 2022


Jason & His Family's Salvation

Please, pray for Jason and his family's salvation. Jason doesn't believe God exists nor that belief in Jesus is needed. Furthermore, pray for his job situation to improve. Also, pray for me to follow God's direction. Thank you!

January 15, 2022


Journey Group Centerpoint Community Church Waterville Maine

Our Women's Journey leader, Lori Reynolds' husband Mark just had a massive stroke and is being life flighted to A hospital in Bangor, Maine. Praying for a miracle. He is a Journey leader.

January 13, 2022


For a Fellow Influencer

For my ankle, foot, heel, shin, Achilles, surgery I had 2 weeks ago…for it to be healed quickly, no need for pain meds, and that it was correctly done…

That my AFib heart issue that happened this week would be healed, corrected by medication by Sunday, so I don’t have to go to ER on Monday to be shocked back into rhythm…

And that my son is healed from his mental health issues…

That my wife and our marriage would be healed…

And that our son and daughters would be given Wisdom Discernment and protection…and Godly friends would come into their lives…

November 9, 2021


Susan Edmondson

Susan is a women Influencer. A drunk driver collided with Susan’s car last night. She is in critical condition in our area trauma unit. Prayers much needed.

October 29, 2021



Holy Father please remove these seizures from this boy. In Jesus Holy, precious, and powerful name Amen.

October 16, 2021


Landon Warren and son Jeremy, Tulsa OK

Please Lord God, Almighty and Great Physician for us all on this earth, have mercy and help us all to pray for Landon and his son for hospital doctors, nurses and support medical staffers to calm them both and reflect to your great and healing ways in many of us, but especially today.

October 16, 2021


Landon Warren

Jeremy Warren, our Area Director in Tulsa, has a son, Landon, with special needs since birth.  He just turned 12.  He's had "Petit Mal" seizures for years, but they have been getting stronger and more significant this past week.  He just had a "Grand Mal" seizure that lasted 9 minutes.  He's in an ambulance heading to the hospital.

October 16, 2021


Beau Bennett

45 year old, married father of two, who had a stroke with a massive brain bleed, not responding to stimulus and report from medical team not good

October 7, 2021


Juan Pablo

39 years old father in urgent need of Kidney transplant

October 7, 2021

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